First Holiday Show in 3 Years!

Sparkleblob’s Annual Holiday Show is BACK!!!
Put a Sock in It! A Narnonic Nuptial Gathering
• 9th Friday – 8pm
• 10th Sat – 5pm and 8:30pm
• 11th Sun – 2pm and 7pm
• 16th Friday – 8pm
• 17th Sat – 5pm and 8:30pm
• 18th Sun – 2pm and 7pm

Myrtle and Gertrude are lesbian Xmas stockings about to have a big fabulous public wedding in Narnia. It would seem like this is an easy thing to do, but not really. Like all weddings, complications arise, involving bears, trees, napkin rings, vikings, famous authors, corn, and Silverlake’s Most Well-Adjusted Family.

Our strange and sensational holiday entertainment puppet show is exceptionally weird, wonderful, and warm. Our puppeteers act, sing, dance, and throw things at you, accompanied by our band, The Dinglebell Hollies, playing live seasonal tunes.

There will be refreshments for all ages in our lobby to be enjoyed before and after the show. We’ll also have our fun and festive merch.

If you’d like a little nip, head next door to the Broadwater Plunge Bar (21+ only).

See us at the Broadwater Blackbox Theater 6322 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90038

There’s plenty of street parking near and around the theater. (Please be mindful of parking signs.)

Shall We Begin? … Again?

My oh my.
It’s been a heck of a 2020 and 2021 has it not? We have missed YOU, lemme tellya! But we’re BACK! Or as back as we can be during another season of pandemic duress. After a year and a half of being totally dormant, our oldest and most-loved programs beginning in October of 2021: CraftNight, and Gothtober.

Gothtober is 31 pieces of artwork by 31 different artist, a new one revealed everyday in the month of October, now in it’s NINETEENTH YEAR!!!

CraftNight is crafts in a bar every Wednesday, all supplies provided, for five bucks you can sit down and work on wonderful seasonal craft projects gathered and curated by JP Craft Captain.

Sadly, we’ll not be doing the holiday puppet show this year. Why? Kids can’t get vaccinated right now, and we also don’t know if we’re going to get another spike in covid cases in December. It would be such a bummer to have to close down the show if we get a surge, it’s just too much of a gamble.


We ARE planning SOMETHING for December! SparkleBlob’s Charming Nogstyle Sideshow Solstice Festival will be coming to YOU! It will be an aggressively ventilated affair in a large warehouse or parking lot, and everyone will be able to attend in a safe and happy way.

Meanwhile, check out Gothtober, as you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything to experience pandemic-proof artwork online!

In Memorium: Sigrid

Dang it, we lost a good one. Sigrid Hudson Bishop, librarian, curator, scholar, and the president of SparkleBlob’s Board, passed away on December 14th, 2019 of natural causes. She was an absolute delight, my friend for over 25 years, and she was 125% engaged in books, learning, art, and exploration.

On the night of December 15th, 2019, she was supposed to arrive for SparkleBlob’s holiday show at Automata to do her volunteer shift. She’d also purchased four tickets for the show.

She didn’t arrive for her shift, which made me feel instantly weird, I got someone to fill in for her, but this wasn’t like her, where was she? A bit later, from backstage, I held the show 15 minutes late, knowing it was very unlike Sigrid to not check in or show up. I left her a voice message, and we went on with the show. The next day I found out she was gone.

When I was 22 and she was 26, I thought Sigrid was the most cosmopolitan person in the WORLD, with her own apartment in Newhall, the manager of a bookstore called “An Affair with Books” she was savvy, and worldly, and knew every book I needed to read, and I read them all dutifully. 

I started out as her enthusiastic friend and later became a fellow employee of said bookstore. It was a children’s bookstore, it carried picture books by the latest and greatest authors and illustrators. We bonded over classic and modern books, talking about books we read and books we couldn’t wait to read.

Back in the day, for no good reason, I started calling Sigrid Sister Taxi Hopscotch, and called her that all the years we’ve known each other. To me she was a sister of the benevolent order of supreme encouragement: stirring things up, offering thought, while having ever so much fun. It is simply not fair to lose her, this is very unjust, wrong and I kinda can’t stand it, but stand it I must.

Therefore we offer up a SparkleBlob Salute to our dear late president, Sister Taxi Hopscotch, we shall carry on her legacy and invite you to join as well, here are some ways you can:

Visit your local library, donate to it, volunteer there, take friends to the library! Crack open a book, buy a book for a friend, tell a story, tell a fart joke, have a hot buttered rum, say something no one else in the room will say, share the sparkle in your eye, and encourage someone to follow their dreams, with detailed steps for how to start. ~JP